UpDog Challenge Events

The UpDog Challenge is a super fun disc dog competition format. It is one of the most friendly formats to get started when learning to play disc. There are many different games that show off unique skillsets like short, medium and long throws, bringing a disc back, dropping at a distance, and more! You do not need to be great at all of these things. Rollers" are even accepted as throws in UpDog, which is really cool for puppies, elderly dogs, and for other strategies when playing UpDog! The atmosphere is fun and inviting. Everyone just wants to help each other grow! This sport is a fantastic way to build teamwork and relationships with humans and their canine companions!
Fab Focus Using Games
Date: Details Soon
Where: Details Soon
Time: Coming Soon
Mini-Seminar to teach you and your dog games to stay engaged off-leash and build optimism in you and your dog!
Do you want a dog who can stay totally focused on you if you’re in a park and a squirrel, dog, or other people come by while off-leash? Or maybe you want to be able to have more focus in your dog sports like agility, disc dog, and more? Or maybe you want a dog that is just overall more optimistic about situations when you are out and about. This is what Fab Focus is, and we want to teach you the fun games that will teach your dog how much more rewarding you are than the distractions all around them. This will not happen overnight. Building Fab Focus takes time, but the best part is that the games you will use to build Fab Focus are FUN!
The seminar is great for:
Relationship building for any scenario
Focusing on their person
Focus during dog sports
Off-leash in the park
Reliable recall
Loose leash walking
Confidence building

Disc-Tacular Skills (Disc/Frisbee Skills for every Level)
Mini-Seminar to teach you and your dog how to build speed, drive, and control in dog sports!
Date: Details Coming Soon
Where: Details Coming Soon
Time: Details Coming Soon
Three hours of action-packed disc-dog fun! Most of the time will be spent rotating 1on1 working time. You will learn from 2 MN State Disc Dog Champions. We’ve both qualified and podiumed at the UpDog International Finals, and qualified for worlds in Skyhoundz DiscDogathon in multiple competencies. All dogs and human skill levels welcome!
Specialties we can help you with:
· Learn to create better drive and connection.
· Improve throwing skills. (Standard, distance, trick throws & rollers. Whatever you want!)
· Improve dog catching skills.
· Bite work (getting dog to bring, drop, handoff, catch, and tug all on que).
· UpDog game strategy.
· Freestyle strategy, routine building, and more
A confirmation email will be sent letting you know that you were accepted into the seminar and once your invoice has been paid you are IN! We will have 8 working spots available and unlimited Auditing Spots!
Contact us at LuckyMuttDogTraining@gmail.com if you have any questions!